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Lexical Entries

media LexicalEntries.result_order name translated trashed created
éles chest; floor; character; things, stuff 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
el̓tcw sheet like objects; ribs 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
úpe7 tail, end; tribituary 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
eqs nose, point; given to doing something 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ten̓ mean impliment 4/16/19, 1:00 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ew̓ll conveyance, vehicle, boat 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
-ew̓s lexical suffix indicating flat surface such as material; half of 2/12/24, 2:47 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctskéllts̓ens to hollow out 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctskwílten quiver, arrow container, ammo pouch 2/5/19, 3:06 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cts̓lentés to place (fish trap) in the water 4/9/21, 10:25 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctéglkwetn net stretched across creek 9/13/23, 1:54 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsek̓úlecwren canoe pole 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctspétkwe7ten gillnet 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
legétkwe7ten fishing line weighted by a rock 3/11/20, 1:45 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
qit̓e fish hook 9/10/24, 12:30 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
getsétes to tie up, knit (nets) 5/19/22, 5:29 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
k̓wens to test, taste, choose 6/17/24, 7:32 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
k̓wenmen7úl̓ecwem to select a spot 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llégwens to remove tree bark. 4/30/21, 2:28 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llxwépe to thread a needle. 4/8/20, 1:40 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM