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media LexicalEntries.result_order name translated trashed created
cts̓qú7etn pipe for smoking 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsqetkw-u,-es set a gillnet, E launch a canoe 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctseqwén̓k red clouds at dusk 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsqweqwyetém̓ rust on inside of stg. 6/6/18, 2:30 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctseqéw̓s run aground 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsqew̓s-e,-es trap fish 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsqwétkwe gold nuggets/dust in creek 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctserúlecw clear land by burning 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsr-em̓,-en̓tes make a sweathouse 4/29/24, 12:32 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctserpépllts̓e7 chimney fire 5/10/21, 2:12 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsítcwten cabin, tent 9/6/19, 2:30 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetíke middle of lake or river 8/18/24, 4:43 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetém̓ bottom of valley 2/26/24, 1:22 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cetséts̓ firm, swollen to the point of bursting 6/5/18, 1:00 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetscéws half full, half way, half done, half tall 8/15/24, 12:40 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetseníplen̓s tell sb. to do stg. 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetsúns put an idea in sb.'s head, E also hint to sb. Do. To urge sb. to do something. 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsets̓iqín̓ce tap one's toes (original form possibly xcec'enqín̓xa) 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsetsetús fitting exactly in opening 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ctsits̓éyne have a ringing in one's ears 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM