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Lexical Entries

media LexicalEntries.result_order name translated trashed created
cl7igw to thaw, thawed out, opened up (of ice) 2/13/24, 1:04 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clígwe7cetn rough-and-ready snowshoes (as used in spring) 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clígwes making a hole in the ice, E tear up 1/21/20, 1:26 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clíg̓wenk fall through the ice, get under the ice 6/4/18, 5:11 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cligwt thawed out, opened up (of ice) 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cúl̓ke firedrill, E drill (any), a tool to make fire. 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clek̓ménk go sidehill 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cúlekp match (for fire) 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
s7elkst work 8/15/24, 12:55 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cúlk̓wes fold,wrap 9/13/23, 12:56 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
c7él̓k̓wme pocket 8/9/24, 6:19 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clal short of breath, infirm, sick 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
clél̓c to spawn; to lay eggs 6/25/24, 4:07 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
c7u7llcw enter a game or contest or entering a sweathouse. 11/28/19, 2:58 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
c7ellcwécwlu7s enter a field through a fence 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cllcwilc envelop oneself; fog covers the country 3/29/18, 9:44 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cllcwílctn sleeping bag 8/21/24, 4:46 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cllecwllcústn eye glasses 8/12/24, 4:12 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cllecwllecwécwke7tn slippers, any old thing put on feet 5/13/21, 4:11 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
cllecwmíns put on (clothing) 3/1/24, 12:42 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM