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Lexical Entries

media LexicalEntries.result_order name translated trashed created
llcwilc foggy. 4/3/20, 1:47 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llucwllúcwe put on shoes. 4/20/23, 11:50 AM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llecwllecwlíl̓e watersnail. 5/9/22, 5:11 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llécwes patch up (clothes). 4/3/20, 1:54 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llcwínek bullsnake. 4/12/24, 3:07 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llcwen̓ktn stick put through holes in skin (in tanning hides). 4/3/20, 1:42 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llcwétes put on (clothes). 4/3/20, 1:47 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llecwpétes hang up 8/15/24, 1:04 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llecwqín̓s close, put lid on. 3/31/21, 4:37 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llecwqín̓tn cover, lid. 3/31/21, 4:37 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llegllégt run fast, fast runner 5/3/24, 1:36 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llgétes sell out completely 4/6/20, 6:43 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llgup dropped, lost (sing.) 4/16/24, 3:37 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
lelegtúpe7 tips of pine branches (used to make medicinal tea) 3/11/20, 5:10 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
ll7egw melt, thaw (of snow only); get dirty. 4/20/23, 12:07 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llgwílc jump 6/13/24, 2:17 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llegwlléllegwpet fall in flakes (snow). 4/2/20, 4:28 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llígwes drop, lose (plur. objects). 11/14/21, 6:00 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llegwes remove treebark. 4/2/20, 4:27 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
llgwenéllen lose. 4/6/20, 6:41 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM