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Lexical Entries

media LexicalEntries.result_order name translated trashed created
secp̓ewt echo, noise, racket. 11/23/22, 1:49 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓éwtse echo. 4/27/20, 7:09 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
péxke7 planer (tool). 4/23/20, 7:30 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓íxke7 branding iron. 12/8/22, 2:22 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pexélqwes plane/shave wood. 4/23/20, 7:28 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
péxes whittle, plane, to scrape 6/10/24, 2:56 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
píxe hunt 8/15/24, 5:41 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓íxes fry; brand (cattle/horses). 12/8/22, 1:59 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓expen̓k baby's navel heals up after cutting of umbilical cord. 4/27/20, 7:09 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓ext healed over. 4/27/20, 7:10 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pxwétes cure (by an Indian doctor), revive 6/11/24, 10:57 AM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pexyéwt tomorrow 8/31/24, 7:22 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pyin now 6/9/24, 1:23 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pey̓pit infuriating. 1/22/23, 12:19 AM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓yúse frown, make a face (scrunch up your face when you are suffering, or when you do not want to do something); become overcast. 6/11/24, 11:37 AM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓yuxw broken (without being severed). 4/27/20, 7:32 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓íyxwes bend (something that stays bent) break without severing. 4/27/20, 7:16 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
p̓íyxut broken (without being severed). 1/22/23, 12:20 AM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
pyey silly happy, maybe from "pie-eyed" 2/5/24, 6:38 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM
qu7 navel. 4/14/21, 6:10 PM 3/29/18, 9:44 PM